Angelica Dino

Angelica Dino

Angelica Dino writes about the developments in Canada’s legal industry. She is also a news writer for Key Media’s other legal publications, Australasian Lawyer and NZ Lawyer. Angelica is currently pursuing her law degree.

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Canada unveils employment strategy to close job gap for persons with disabilities by 2040
The strategy aims to help employers diversify their workforces by creating accessible workplaces
Jul 24, 2024 Features
Ontario Securities Commission proposes new rule for returning funds to harmed investors
Stakeholders are invited to submit their comments in writing by October 9
Jul 24, 2024 Features
Survey reveals increased investment and commitment to using generative AI
More than half of businesses surveyed rank it among their top three priorities
Jul 24, 2024 Features
BC Securities Commission announces adoption of new business conduct rule for derivatives market
The new regulation will come into effect on September 28
Jul 24, 2024 Features
Business leaders fear climate impact as extreme weather becomes the new normal, survey finds
Over half of the companies suffered an impact on profitability due to last year's extreme weather
Jul 24, 2024 Features