Lundin Mining and EuroZinc Mining Merge

On October 31, 2006, Lundin Mining Corporation and EuroZinc Mining Corporation completed a merger to create a new global mining company by a plan of arrangement. Lundin Mining is a fast- growing base metals producer and an active explorer for minerals. It owns two mines in Sweden and one in Ireland. EuroZinc is a Canadian-based company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development and mining of base and precious metal deposits internationally.

The combined company is called Lundin Mining Corporation and has a market capitalization of approximately US$3.2 billion, creating one of the North American and European markets' premier diversified copper and zinc producers.

Lundin was represented by Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP with a team that included John Craig, Norman Findlay and Eva Bellissimo (securities) and Mark Nicholson and Chris Hersh (competition); Kevin Hisko (securities) of McCullough O'Connor Irwin LLP; Douglas Powrie (tax) of Thorsteinssons LLP; Adam Givertz, Aaron Hunter and Adam Lewinberg (US corporate) and Laurence Crouch (US tax) of Shearman & Sterling LLP; and Erik Nerpin (corporate/securities) of Linklaters AdvokatbyrÄ in Sweden.

Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP acted for EuroZinc Mining Corporation with a team from Vancouver led by Louis Montpellier, which included Cyndi Laval, Grace McDonald and Brett Kagetsu (M&A) and Eric Wredenhagen, Martin Palleson and Jonathan Van Netten (litigation). The Vancouver group was assisted by Bob McCue and Eugene Friess (tax), Jeffrey Dyck, Brian Mainwaring, Bennett Wong and Jason McCormick (M&A) of the Calgary office, Henry Brown (Investment Canada) and Martin Aquilina (M&A) of the Ottawa office and LĂ©onard Serafini (M&A) of the Montreal office. Susan Shapiro (securities) and Howard Medwed (US tax) of Burns & Levinson LLP and Johan Cederlund (corporate/securities) of Advokatfirman Vinge KB in Sweden also acted for EuroZinc.


Brett A. Kagetsu Adam M. Givertz Robert D. McCue Cyndi D. Laval Léonard Serafini Henry S. Brown Christopher Hersh Eva Bellissimo Bennett K. Wong J. Jason McCormick Mark J. Nicholson Douglas J. Powrie Kevin Hisko Martin Aquilina Brian W. Mainwaring Jeffrey E. Dyck Jonathan Van Netten Laurence E. Crouch Martin L. Palleson