On November 1, 2001, Westcoast Energy Inc. sold its two subsidiaries, Union Energy Inc. and Westcoast Capital Corporation, to EPCOR Utilities Inc. for $176.7 million, subject to closing statement adjustments.
Westcoast was represented by internal legal counsel, Curt Bernardi, with assistance from a Torys team that included Michael Feldman, Michael Pickersgill, Eric Engel, Katharine Alexander-Carew and Robin Coster (trademarks), Christina Medland (human resources), Jim Welkoff (tax) and Carolyn Naiman (competition).
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP represented EPCOR, with a team that included Frank Callaghan, Andrew Harrison, Richard LeBlanc, Lisa Katz Jones and Gordon Zimmerman (trademarks) and Larissa Tkachenko (tax).
Westcoast was represented by internal legal counsel, Curt Bernardi, with assistance from a Torys team that included Michael Feldman, Michael Pickersgill, Eric Engel, Katharine Alexander-Carew and Robin Coster (trademarks), Christina Medland (human resources), Jim Welkoff (tax) and Carolyn Naiman (competition).
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP represented EPCOR, with a team that included Frank Callaghan, Andrew Harrison, Richard LeBlanc, Lisa Katz Jones and Gordon Zimmerman (trademarks) and Larissa Tkachenko (tax).
Lisa Dorning
Richard D. Leblanc
Larissa V. Tkachenko
I. Eric Engel
Carolyn N. Naiman
Robin L.A. Coster
Gordon J. Zimmerman
Frank S. Callaghan
Katharine Alexander-Carew
James W. Welkoff
Michael T. Pickersgill
Christina H. Medland